Excel Tutorials – Learn the Basics and More Advanced Topics


A Microsoft Excel tutorial is a great way to learn the basics of this spreadsheet program. Many types of tutorials are available, and the topics they cover vary widely from version to version. Basics, Pivot Tables, and ActiveX controls are a few topics covered in an Excel tutorial. If you’d like to learn more about Excel, consider checking out the links below. Here, you’ll learn the basics of the program, as well as more advanced topics like conditional formatting and Arrays.

Basic functions in Excel

In Excel, you can perform many common calculations using the basic functions. These functions can be used in a single cell or multiple cells. For example, you can use the MOD formula to get the remainder of two numbers when they are divided, or you can take the average of a set of numbers in a range of cells with the AVERAGE formula. The COUNT function can count cells within a range of data. It works by adding the number of characters in a cell to its previous value.

These basic functions are useful for simple calculations but can be difficult to use for more complex calculations. For example, you may want to add a list of numbers, but this can create a long formula if you do not use the “plus” sign. Instead, you should use a basic function to simplify the process. Basic functions in Excel include subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division. This list is not exhaustive but should give you an idea of how to use them.

The VLOOKUP function is an excellent way to find data in repetitive or large spreadsheets. It works much like a phone book, starting with known data and finding the unknown data. VBA can be confusing initially, but it is crucial to persevere with the process. Spreadsheets are used in most industries, and more experience using these tools will make your spreadsheets and analyses faster. You can learn the basics of VBA by following the links below.

The COUNT function counts cells with values. This function only works with numbers. For example, if cell B4 contains nine characters, the count function returns 9.

Conditional formatting in Excel

The AVERAGE() function is a handy tool for applying conditional formatting in Excel. You can use this formula to highlight duplicates in a column. This formula must apply to the entire column. It’s important to note that conditional formulas must apply to all columns to be effective. You can use this function to format cells as well. There are many other useful conditional formatting features in Excel. Read on to learn more about them!

First, you need to create a worksheet with data. You can add conditional formatting to make it highlight the cells with the data matching the condition. You can do this using the “Styles” menu in the main menu. Alternatively, you can open the “Cell Styles” menu and choose from several premade styles. Afterward, simply click “OK” to apply the formatting. You can also copy and paste conditional formatting to other documents.

You can also highlight specific cells using a conditional formatting rule. You can also use multiple conditions on one cell. Pay attention to the “if” clause to apply conditional formatting correctly. You can apply several types of conditions, and you can choose the most appropriate one for your needs. Make sure you know how to apply them and when to change them. After you have created your conditions, you can start formatting your worksheet.

The first step in applying conditional formatting is choosing an icon set. Excel comes with four different sets. You can choose from Directional, Shapes, Indicators, and Ratings. For example, a directional icon set will indicate whether an item is priced high, low, or middle. You can change the color scale to match the conditions of your data. This way, you can quickly find what works for your data. If you’re unsure which type of icon set to use, you can edit the rule to ensure the desired results.

The next step is to change the rule type. You can choose whether to apply conditional formatting to all cells or only certain ones. For example, if you’re a math teacher, you may want to change the formula for a cell’s appearance. You can change this by changing the trigger. A formula that uses a cell’s value as its criteria will change the appearance of a cell. It can also make the cells highlight or change the color of the background.


If you want to make complex calculations using arrays, you’ll need to learn to enter and use formulas in Excel. Excel supports formulas that use arrays, such as the average, median, and maximum. These formulas are not included in this tutorial, but you can learn how to enter them by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER. To enter an array formula, you must press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Arrays are collections of data. In an array formula, you can enter a list of items and separate them with commas or semicolons. Array formulas can be used to perform multiple calculations simultaneously, so it’s important to learn how to use them effectively. Once you’re comfortable with the concept, you can begin using arrays in your workbooks and applications. Once you’ve mastered the basics of arrays, you can apply them to your data and make them as powerful as possible.

Array formulas are also available in Excel for Microsoft 365. Despite the complexity of the new functions, Excel arrays are easy to understand and use. Dynamic arrays allow you to search for specific data, while spilled arrays are best for holding row and column data. These new formulas let you work with multiple values simultaneously and have more flexibility. They also allow you to use more than one column index.

When using the AND operator, an array formula will return a single value if all three elements in the same position are TRUE. If the second argument is False, it will return an array with a value of 0, which is a negative value. You can use this formula to calculate the average of two values, multiply them, or divide a number by an array. This formula is a good way to compare values, and you can also use it to make your calculations more complicated.

To create an array, you first need to define an index. Arrays can have as many as 32 dimensions. A 1D array represents a single row in Excel, while a 2D array is a single worksheet. In Excel, a 3D array is a single workbook or even an entire spreadsheet. Think of this as a 3-dimensional Rubik’s cube. For this tutorial, we will look at how to use arrays in Excel and create several array-related formulas.

ActiveX controls in Excel

Using ActiveX controls in Excel is a great way to enhance your spreadsheet. ActiveX controls are graphics that can be placed anywhere on your worksheet. While tabs, multipage, and RefEdit can’t be added to a worksheet, ActiveX controls can. ActiveX controls are graphical objects placed over a cell or range of cells. When you place an ActiveX control, Excel enters Design Mode, which allows you to customize its properties.

You can also use ActiveX controls in worksheets without using macros. ActiveX controls have a property called LinkedCell that holds the reference to a worksheet cell. Using this property, you can change the caption and name of the ActiveX button. You can also change the default cell style for the ActiveX button. For more information, see the ActiveX controls in Excel documentation. If you have questions, visit the ActiveX control help site.

Enabling ActiveX controls in Excel is easy. First, you must enable the ActiveX content in your Excel file. You can do this by choosing File > Options and clicking Trust Center. From there, click ActiveX Settings and select the appropriate options. Ensure that the controls are compatible with Excel. Otherwise, you might encounter errors. If that happens, try using a different ActiveX control until you find one that works well. In the meantime, you can continue working with your spreadsheet as usual.

ActiveX controls are a subset of Form controls. They can be used directly on worksheets. You must select the right properties if you want to insert ActiveX controls in your worksheets. There are two main types of ActiveX controls: the ActiveX list box and the form control. For ActiveX controls, you must select the “Multi” property, which allows you to select multiple items simultaneously. On the other hand, the “Extended” property enables you to attach a new or existing macro to the ActiveX control. Once you’ve assigned a macro to the control, you can read its contents from the linked cell.

Using ActiveX controls in Excel is easy and convenient. There are many ways to customize ActiveX controls. Using the form toolbar, you can create forms and use them to format your spreadsheet. The form controls offer their own set of customization options. When creating a form, you can also add a caption. If the control is a ComboBox, the caption will show the current value. When using a ListBox, the cells within the list box will be displayed in the list.