How to Obtain a New Spanish Driving License


Exchanging a driving license in Spain is relatively straightforward and involves visiting your local DGT office with your license and residency card as well as scheduling a medical test. Discover the best info about Comprar carnet de conducir B.

Spain has signed agreements with numerous countries worldwide that make exchanging licenses more straightforward for citizens. As the list changes periodically, it would be prudent to contact your country’s consulate.

Application procedure

To obtain a new Spanish driving license, several documents are necessary and must be presented. These include an application form, fee payment receipts, proof of residency documents, and two passport-sized photos from within the last six months. In addition, you will also need a medical report and attend driving school as part of this process, which could take between several weeks and a few months depending on your region, and may offer expedited processing at an additional fee.

Before applying, check with the provincial traffic office or Jefatura Provincial de Trafico to ascertain what documentation is needed for processing it. While you can submit online applications, for greater certainty it may be best to visit in person and ensure all required paperwork has been provided.

Applicant must be 18 or over and pass a medical exam, be legally resident in Spain and unaffected by court orders or administrative bans, be able to meet mental and physical fitness requirements for the driver category as well and be fully prepared for tests as well as possess a current Padron certificate.

The DGT provides an online application process for exchanging foreign licenses, with appointments at provincial traffic headquarters or smaller traffic offices less likely to accommodate you, where applicable.

Citizens from countries outside the European Union (EU) can use their home country license in Spain for up to six months after establishing residency. They should, however, always carry an International Driving Permit that translates their home license into 10 languages including Spanish.

To apply for a Spanish driving license, applicants must be at least 18 years old and pass both a medical and theory exam. You can find information regarding both exams at the DGT website or your local office; an app also exists that keeps track of paperwork and sets appointments with DGT.

Documents required

Exchange of foreign licenses to Spanish driving licenses can be time-consuming and tedious, taking several weeks or months depending on where the process starts and finishes. Some regions offer expedited processing at an additional fee; it is advised to consult a professional before undertaking this endeavor.

Before exchanging your license, several requirements must be fulfilled. Your driving record in your home country should be clean, and a valid national identity card (DNI). In addition, you should pass a medical examination conducted at a Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores office specializing in conducting driving-related exams; plus you must have been living in your current country for at least six months.

If you hold a valid driving license issued from one of the European Economic Area member countries or European Economic Area member states, then you can exchange it for a Spanish driving license. Your original license can even be used during your first six months in Spain – provided you carry with you an International Driving Permit (IDP), which translates your driving license into 10 languages including Spanish.

Citizens from countries not part of the EU can still exchange their national driving license for a Spanish driving license online; this process requires providing copies of your passport and proof of address in Spain as well as signing a self-declaration that you do not face any legal processes or have had your license suspended in your home country.

If you are an international student residing outside of the European Union and wish to drive in Spain for at least six months as part of an academic course, proof must be shown that your studies in Spain have lasted at least that amount of time and you have not been disenfranchised via court action, suspension or administrative intervention from driving motor vehicles and mopeds in Spain. You must also pass the driving exam relevant to whatever category of vehicles you plan to use while here.


Exchanging a driving license in Spain comes with various fees, such as administrative charges associated with issuing the new Spanish license. While the exact amounts vary by region, you can get an idea of their costs by visiting your local traffic department or government websites. Processing times also depend on factors like the volume of applications submitted as well as administrative processes in your region; some regions offer expedited processing at an additional fee.

Proof of residency and an international driver’s license from your home country are both necessary in Spain to exchange it and drive legally on Spanish roads. A medical exam must also be passed to demonstrate your fitness to drive on Spanish roads – this includes tests on vision, hearing, and reflexes as well as sight, hearing, and reflex tests from an examiner. Furthermore, language proficiency exams or driving practical tests may also be required; such language proficiency exams tend to be administered more frequently for expats from non-Spanish-speaking nations.

The process to exchange your license in Spain can take up to six months, making preparation essential. Documents required include your driver’s license copy, proof of residency such as a residence permit or certificate of empadronamiento, and additional paperwork such as medical certificates and passports; you will also have to pay registration tax; this typically costs around 94,12 EUR when submitting documents.

Licenses issued from countries within the European Union and EEA countries, such as Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein can be exchanged in Spain provided they were obtained before acquiring permanent residency here. Unfortunately, licenses issued in countries with which Spain does not have an agreement such as Australia Canada, and South Africa cannot be traded in for exchange.

Once you’ve assembled all of the required paperwork, arrange an appointment at your local DGT office. Use their website and select your province from the drop-down menu; bring all documentation with you including your old license and proof of residency in Spain to your appointment; you will be issued a provisional license until an official one arrives.

Time frame

If your driver’s license from another country that has an agreement with Spain is valid, then exchanging it for one in Spain does not require taking additional exams. As the list of countries involved can change at times, for more up-to-date information it is wise to contact your local traffic department (Jefatura de Trafico).

As part of your application process, you will need to submit several documents, including your foreign driving license and proof of residency in Spain (such as a residence permit or certificate of empadronamiento), along with a medical certificate issued by a doctor and approved by an official Spanish medical body. If you’re having difficulty gathering all these documents yourself, designating someone else as your representative to submit them on your behalf could save time – however, this would involve additional paperwork and may slow the processing of your request.

Your identification documents – passport or national ID card – and fees must also be presented for verification by authorities, who then issue a three-month provisional driving license, allowing you to drive legally while waiting for the official version to arrive home.

As part of this process, the next step in taking your driving exam involves sitting for both a theory test and a practical driving exam conducted under instructor control. Furthermore, you must pass a language proficiency exam and; if necessary attend intensive Spanish classes before sitting the driving exam.

Once you’ve passed the theory and practical exams, the next step in applying for your driving license should be at a local traffic office. While this typically takes several weeks to process, you can speed it up by scheduling an appointment online and/or hiring a driving school to take care of all paperwork registration. They will also teach you Spanish driving rules as well as help prepare for and pass your exams.

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