8 New Features For Windows Phone 8.1


The notifications center on Windows Phone 8.1 was designed to complement Cortana’s superior organizational skills. It contained toasts and notifications from all your apps. Moreover, it featured customizable start screens. The notifications centre was the first of its kind to integrate the Cortana personal assistant. It also came with a Games hub. Moreover, you can even set up your start screen in different languages. This is an excellent feature, which is a welcomed addition to the platform.

Customizable start screen

The Customizable start screen for Windows phone app gives you the ability to customize your start screen with various settings. For example, you can choose different colors for your tiles and resize them to fit the screen. You can also rearrange them and group them. Interestingly, you can even rename them. But, you need to be careful about how you add and remove tiles as not all applications automatically register them on the Start screen. To add a new tile to the Start screen, you should first search for it and then select it. You can also pin more than one item on the start screen at once.

The Start Screen Customizer interface is very easy to use. You can select a solid color for the background image or a custom color using a color picker or hex/rgb codes. There is also an Accent Image option, which lets you select a customized image for the start screen.

Multilingual support

Adding multilingual support to a Windows Phone app can be done using the Multilingual App Toolkit. This toolkit makes use of the Microsoft Translator service to translate strings. It will then generate localized.resx files for your app. In case the language file is not available, the default language file will be used.

Multilingual support is a great way to ensure your app is accessible to a wider range of users. Because the Windows Phone Store is available in 191 countries, your app could potentially reach customers from a variety of cultures. Building an app that supports multiple languages would offer your users a more engaging experience. You can easily localize your app by using a tool like Microsoft Translator or by importing translation files into your project.

To add multilingual support to your Windows Phone app, first you must build it with the necessary features. To do so, you need to enable the Multilingual App Toolkit. You can enable the toolkit from the Visual Studio tool menu and assign a file to your project’s Resources folder. After enabling the toolkit, you should restart Visual Studio. Once you have installed the Multilingual App Toolkit, you can select the languages you want to support.

Cortana personal assistant

Cortana is a personal assistant for your Windows Phone that runs on the phone’s home screen. It works by running through basic questions to find out information about you, such as the latest weather report and sports scores. It can also help you set reminders and start Skype calls.

Cortana can also help you track your travel, remembering where you are. It can also keep track of flights and packages. It also warns you of upcoming conflicts when adding new appointments to your calendar. While Siri and Google Now offer similar functionality, Cortana is more customizable and can set reminders based on time and location.

Cortana is a voice-activated personal assistant developed by Microsoft. It is modeled after Google Now and Apple’s Siri, and is meant to mimic a human assistant. Windows Phone 8.1 will ship with Cortana, and the company plans to expand its availability to other markets.

Games hub

Microsoft’s Games Hub has been updated with a new look. It’s a place where users can quickly access top games or check out what’s new in the Windows Phone app store. It also serves as a central hub for all of Gameloft’s titles. Although it’s still in its early stages, it has the potential to be a valuable resource for consumers.

The redesigned Games hub has a new look and feel, but it still has the familiar Metro design. It uses large icons that rotate in a horizontal fashion, enabling the user to navigate more easily. It also features a recent games category, which shows recent games.

Location-based searches

You can disable location-based searches in Windows Phone apps by going to the settings of the app. This setting is available on the General tab. By default, it shows your current location. However, if you don’t want your location to be recorded, you can disable it by setting your default location. This setting appears when a map is displayed, and you can change it to a specific city or suburb to see if Microsoft has pinpointed your location.

Location-based services can be used to provide detailed insights on consumer behavior. For example, they can be used to let users know when a certain business is nearby or if a specific event is taking place in their area. Similarly, these services can display customer reviews. These reviews can provide valuable insight into your brand’s image.