Metaphor Meaning in Writing


A metaphor is a figure of speech or image used to describe something. Some examples are flood and mutiny. Using a metaphor helps people understand what the writer is trying to convey. A metaphor can also describe an inverse comparison. A flood compared to a mutiny is an example of an inverse comparison. A metaphor can convey a sense of reality to the reader, which helps them understand a story better.

Figurative language

Figurative language is the opposite of literal language. It can be used to describe objects, events, and feelings. Using figurative language can create a unique experience for your readers. This language can make your writing flow easier. The following examples will help you understand how to use figurative language to convey your message.

A metaphor compares two contrasting images, either directly or indirectly. It is similar to a simile, but the key difference is that metaphor is used in place of the word like or as. While a simile makes the comparison explicit, a metaphor is implicit and makes comparisons more indirect. It’s impossible to understand a metaphor literally, but it can convey many meanings.


When writing a novel or a short story, a writer can use metaphors and symbolism to convey the story’s meaning. For example, the sun setting in a story could mean the end of a relationship or the last display of beauty before darkness falls. This type of imagery is used to enhance the story and create associations in the readers’ minds.

On the other hand, symbolism uses an object to represent something else. A symbol can be a character, an emotion, or an idea. For example, the American flag is a symbol of patriotism, while the red rose is a symbol of love. Symbolism is a powerful tool to communicate a message and is used in many cultures and forms of literature to convey a message.

Inverse comparison

The inverse comparison of metaphor is a method to assess the aptness and familiarity of a metaphor by manipulating its context. This method has potential ecological implications, as it could reveal how metaphors are processed. We found that a matched context increased metaphor aptness by 1.22 units on average, while an unmatched context decreased aptness by 0.4. In addition, our findings suggest that the subjective ratings of aptness and familiarity are confounded by processing fluency.

The inverse comparison of metaphors is important for understanding how metaphors work in speech and writing. A good example of this metaphor is comparing two different types of words or expressions: a fisherman and a warehouse. This technique immediately connects with the reader and triggers an emotional response to a familiar object.