Must-Have Mortgage Software for Lenders in 2022


If you’re a mortgage lender, you’re more than likely aware that conventional mortgage lending is a difficult task that requires an incredible amount of work to be successful. Mortgage lenders must handle the most complex number-crunching and business processes, making their jobs more convoluted than any other industry’s.

For many mortgage companies, this brings the need to employ new technology and outsource some of their processes to specialized third-party solutions. This enables them to focus on what they do best – selling mortgages.

In this article, we’ll examine six must-have mortgage software for lenders in 2022 that will help you stay ahead of the competition and make your business more profitable by cutting costs and saving time.

1. Nexus Origination™ – Top pick

This loan origination product from SimpleNexus is a revolutionary solution to help loan originators enhance their loan production processes. With more than 80 integrations geared to make the loan production process as straightforward as possible, you can be sure that you are getting a mortgage system that will dramatically improve your business.

Nexus Origination even allows you to develop strong connections with real estate professionals and includes a referral system that keeps all involved parties engaged. With the option to use personalized apps to update partners on loan approval processes, this software should be perfect for lenders who want to keep all their business partners in the loop.

2. Encompass

If you’ve been looking for mortgage software, you probably have heard of Encompass. You are being one of the leading loan origination and serving systems you can find in the market. It’s not a wonder that this system is popular among mortgage lenders and brokers.

One of the most important features this software offers is a high level of customization. You can use this customization to sync with other software and share documentation across the different platforms and automate various loan origination processes.

Since this software has well-designed document management tools, you can use them to ensure that important documents and signatures are securely stored. Should you face any challenges while using this mortgage system, you can rely on Encompass’s in-house IT team to help you out.

3. Whiteboard

As a mortgage originator, you need to interact effectively with your customers. Thanks to Whiteboard’s mortgage CRM with SMS, you can establish a healthy communication link to keep your customers updated.

What’s more, this software makes use of “playbooks” to automate marketing workflows as well as the sales of your company. That way, you can save some precious time to focus on other important tasks.

4. Cimmaron

Designed to fit all business sizes, whether large, medium, or small, Cimmaron presents mortgage lenders with the most important functionalities that they would need from a current mortgage CRM. You can use the software to grow your referrals, get more leads, and even close an increasing number of loans.

Other features that make this mortgage software a go-to solution is that it can help you with two-way texting, video email marketing, automated marketing, and even lead and contact management. A majority of the customers that use Cimmaron celebrate the customer support staff for their unreserved attention to client satisfaction.

5. Calyx PointCentral

Being one of the top providers of mortgage solutions for banks, brokers, and even credit unions, Calyx is a company that knows what it takes to provide an excellent mortgage experience.

One of the software solutions they offer is PointCentral, a comprehensive loan origination system that allows users to manage their business more effectively while reducing costs and saving time.

This product comes with many essential features for today’s mortgage lenders. These include remote access to databases, mobile access to the mortgage software, different server hosting options, and more.

In conclusion,

We can’t emphasize enough how important it is for mortgage lenders to have the right software to stay ahead of their competition.

By using some of the systems that we’ve mentioned in this article, you’ll be sure to experience an increase in productivity at a reasonable cost. Just be sure to do your research so that you can choose the system that best suits your needs.

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