Studded Tires for Ice and Snow


If ice is an issue where you ride, studded tires could provide added safety and confidence – and your local bike shop can assist in selecting the ideal set for your riding needs.

Studs, metal protrusions installed into the tread of a tire that provides extra traction on icy terrain by grasping and resisting lateral forces, provide extra grip. But over time, they wear down, impacting rider performance.


If you live in an area with long winters with lots of ice and snow, studded tires could be beneficial. These tires are specifically designed to improve traction on slippery surfaces like snow and ice and work great for both road bikes and mountain bikes alike. But keep in mind they do not work well on dry pavement and will provide a rougher ride; therefore, it would be wiser to use them only when necessary.

When purchasing studded bike tires, for optimal ice and snow traction, it is wise to choose those with many studs – between 70 and 400 is ideal – which will give your tire maximum traction on hard surfaces like snow. A higher number of studs may increase traction but will also add weight and resistance, so if off-road riding is in your plans, you may require fewer studs on each tire.

The flat tip stud is the most frequently used and cost-effective variety available, being both small and low profile in its profile and cost. It works best on hard-packed snow or hard ice surfaces but may struggle in soft snow environments with more rutted patches or weak areas of snow cover. Other popular choices for snow studs are concave tip and hex tip studs, which provide better traction on snow and ice surfaces and usually cost more than their flat counterparts but provide superior overall performance and durability.

No matter which kind of studs you select, make sure they’re fully seated in their pockets so that they won’t come loose while riding. Also, it would be beneficial to invest in additional studs as well as an installation tool so as to avoid losing any while out and about.

Studded tires offer many other significant advantages over standard tires: their tread pattern. A closely spaced center tread can roll quickly while taller side lugs enhance cornering – this enables riders to confidently traverse icy singletrack and tackle steep off-camber terrain, as well as climb out of ice ruts that regular tires might become trapped in.

Tungsten carbide

Tungsten carbide studs feature a solid tip designed to penetrate and grip ice surfaces, lasting longer than steel counterparts. Commonly found on mountain bike tires with deep tread patterns for use on snow or ice terrain, these studded configurations come in both regular or studded designs – many riders prefer these options over steel due to increased grip; however, they may require more maintenance due to being less likely to dislodge or break off over time.

The addition of tungsten carbide studs to existing tires is neither cheap nor straightforward and can cost hundreds of dollars depending on how many are added. In addition, as they’re heavier than steel studs, they will increase your bike’s weight. A great way to add these studs is by purchasing ready-made studded tires from reliable manufacturers; while this may cost more than buying plain tires with studding already attached, although expensive, they provide reliable winter riding.

Numerous manufacturers provide studded mountain and fat bike tires suitable for mixed surface conditions, with wide-auger studs that can be installed using a cordless drill. Chevron patterns of these studs provide extra traction on ice surfaces.

Most studded tires come with warranties from their manufacturer that cover any damage or loss resulting from punctures. Furthermore, these tires have been designed to hold more air than traditional tires, so they can run at lower pressure for improved grip and more excellent performance.

The Schwalbe Marathon Winter Plus is an excellent option for riding mountain bikes on ice and mixed surfaces. Equipped with 240 studs for enhanced grip on varied terrain and SmartGuard puncture protection, this tire also comes with an Ebike certification and high stud count. Continental Contact Spike tires may also be beneficial, although anti-puncture liquid should always be used as they may be more prone to punctures than other tire types.


Carbide studs used on bike tires are challenging, with a coating of soft material to anchor them securely to the tire treads. But over time, this protective jacket wears away, exposing hard metal studs directly to the pavement – creating friction that compromises grip – similar to when tiny steel spikes protrude from shoes upon crossing glare ice covered in sand.

The problem is that studs don’t provide as much traction on the pavement as soft and flexible rubber does and can actually reduce traction on conditions where you need them most – such as wet roads or icy surfaces. A study out of Washington found that using studs caused tires to grip less in these conditions but more on paved surfaces.

One stud’s single strike can create a “groove,” cutting through the rubber, leaving no contact between stud and road, so any subsequent one may dig right through it without gripping anything – over time, these grooves build up until the tire loses traction on ice.

Carbide studs can also cause extensive damage to pavement. When protrusions from rubber tires protrude and prod into pavement surfaces, they grind into it and release microscopic asphalt and concrete particles into the air, contributing significantly to air pollution in Japan, where this form of corruption led to modern studless winter tires being developed as an antidote.

One of the significant drawbacks of studs is that they don’t communicate to drivers their limits for safe traction. When their traction decreases, driving doesn’t feel any different than on dry asphalt, making it impossible for drivers to recognize this difference when driving at high speeds on unplowed or ice-covered highways.

Answering this challenge lies with tread designs that aim to keep studs away from pavement surfaces as much as possible, like Nokian Extreme 294, Hakka WXC 300, and Schwalbe Marathon Winter tires with moderately aggressive tread patterns that feature studs positioned along their sides so as to climb out of icy ruts instead of simply sliding past.


When selecting a tire studding system, it is crucial to understand the different types of studs available. While steel may be used, other metals include tungsten carbide and aluminum; each metal’s strength determines its lifespan and durability – with tungsten carbide being much more complex and lasting longer while offering more excellent traction than its steel counterpart.

Studs can be installed into tires with either a manual studding tool or a stud gun, though using the latter is more efficient but takes more time. When installing them with either method, ensure all studs are evenly spaced and positioned adequately within your tire’s tread surface area, but may also be placed near or on either side for optimal performance.

Once the studs are installed, you should conduct tests to ensure they are working as intended. This can be accomplished by riding your bike over various surfaces, such as snow and slippery rocks – if the studs don’t perform as anticipated, you may need to modify their placement or add or remove some.

To install a stud, first, dip its tip in liquid to lubricate it before holding it at an angle and inserting it into a tire stud pocket. When in place, rotate your tool until its flange sits securely within its hole.

After a short break-in period, studded tires are ready to be put into service. Be wary when riding aggressively on the pavement; aggressive riding may rip out some studs. Furthermore, be mindful of any laws regarding their usage.

Fat bike tires typically feature steel studs, though some manufacturers use tungsten carbide ones on more premium models. Tungsten carbide studs last longer and offer more excellent traction; plus, they weigh significantly less than carbon steel ones, making them a perfect choice for mountain bikes – not to mention being more accessible to replace when worn out!