Exploring the World of Organic and Biodynamic Wine


Suppose you’ve been looking for a way to enjoy wine without all the pesticides and chemicals used in conventional farming. In that case, you may be curious about exploring the world of organic and biodynamic wines. Luckily, there are many ways to find these exciting wines, certified and under the radar. How do I find the best Organic and Biodynamic Wine?

Organic Wine

Organic wines are grown using natural methods and do not include chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or insecticides. This practice is a great way to support regenerative agriculture, as it can help protect the environment and prevent diseases from spreading in and around vineyards.

There are a variety of certifications for organic grapes and wines. Still, you can usually find an organic wine by looking for a label that says “USDA certified” or by checking out the logo on the front of the bottle. You can also look for a wine that uses non-toxic pesticides and fertilizers, which will make the difference between an organic and a non-organic label.

Biodynamic Wine

Biodynamic wines are produced with the same principles that organic wines follow but are done so without synthetic chemicals or interference from animals. This means that vines are cultivated using natural compounds that combine ingredients such as ground quartz, chamomile, nettles, and manure.

This process may seem like a bit of a step further than the traditional method of growing grapes, and it can make a big difference in how a wine tastes. It also means that more care and attention are given to the vineyard and its surrounding environment.

These wines are typically more expensive than their non-biodynamic counterparts, but they can be worth the extra money if you’re passionate about your wine and its origins. These wines are often made in smaller batches, making the process more labor-intensive.

They aren’t filtered or fined (steps meant to clarify the wine), and new oak is generally avoided, as it can alter the flavor of the grapes.

There are a few ways to spot these wines, but you can start by asking your sommelier or wine merchant where they stock the best biodynamic and organic wines. You can also go directly to the vineyard to buy these wines or visit online.

You can also ask your local wine store owner if they carry any of these wines, as these shops tend to be more open to trying out new wines and may be interested in adding some of them to their menus.

Once you’ve found a vineyard and winemaker you’re interested in, ask them about their approach to biodynamic and organic farming. This will not only help you to understand what makes their wine unique, but it’ll also give you a good idea of the flavors and textures that you can expect from their bottles.

You can check out Demeter, one of the most recognized certifying bodies for biodynamic wines, or Biodyvin, a smaller organization. Once you’ve learned what to look for, finding some delicious options shouldn’t take long.

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