How to Enable Facebook Share Button


If you have been trying to set up your Facebook page, you may have found that you need to enable the Facebook share button. This can be very handy if you want to add your links to your page, as well as to your friends’ Facebook pages. But you also want to ensure that you have the correct settings. For example, if you have a business page, you don’t want to share information about it with all your friends. On the other hand, if you have a personal page, you don’t want to share anything you don’t know or trust.

Make a specific post shareable.

If you want to make a specific post shareable on Facebook, there are several steps you can take. First, log into your account and select the position you wish to create shareable.

After you’ve selected your post, tap the three dots icon in the upper right-hand corner of the post. This will bring up a drop-down menu. Select the audience you’d like to have for the post.

You have to choose from the three options: Public, Friends except, or Only me. Selecting Public will allow all people to see your post. Friends except will only let your friends to see your post. Choosing Only me will only show your post to the person who created it.

You can also use the Facebook app to make a specific post shareable. This method is similar to the desktop version. Once you have found the position you’d like to share, tap the three dots in the post’s upper right-hand corner.

Set your post’s audience to Public

If you want your Facebook post to be shareable with all of your friends, you need to ensure that you’ve set the audience to Public. It’s also possible to change this audience later on if you need to. You can do this on your mobile and desktop versions of the site.

First, click your profile’s “What’s on your mind?” prompt. When you’re finished, you’ll see a drop-down menu that lets you select your audience. The options are all the same for your mobile and desktop versions of the site.

Next, click the “Edit” button. This will bring up a menu of privacy and audience settings. Several audience options include the public, Friends, and Specific Friends.

If you select Public, your post will be shared with anyone on the internet. However, you may not want to share your posts with everyone. For example, you may want to keep them private if you have a business that relies on the information you share.

Adjust the style of the button

There are plenty of things to know when sharing content on Facebook. One of those things is the Share button. The Share button is a way to share a link, post, picture, or video on your own Facebook account. In the past, the Share button was only available on third-party sites, but with the new like button, Facebook is finally offering the feature to users on its own.

The Share button is an easy way to get content shared. By default, the controller is displayed in a way that encourages users to share. However, if you want to get the most out of the control, you can change how it appears. Whether you want it to stand out or appear in the background, there are some tips to keep in mind.

The Share button has six different layouts. You can choose from a simple switch, or even a widget box. Some templates include more advanced styling options. For instance, you can align the buttons to the left or right and justify the box.

Remove the button from the product details pages.

The Facebook share button is a great way to boost conversions and sales, but it also distracts customers during the checkout process. There are a few options if you don’t want to include a share icon on your product detail pages. You can either remove it, hide it or change the button’s size.

You will find a panel called Site styles in the Product Pages section. Click the “hide share buttons” option. To change the size of the share buttons, go to the HTML customizations and change the button’s font or size. There are a few options to change the color of the controls. After making your changes, paste them into the Thank You Page Message field.

You will find a second popup called the information popup on the product details pages. When this popup appears, it displays a list of product variants and additional information. If you wish, yIn addition, you can configure the popup to express a social media icon.