Who is the CEO of Foundr?


Nathan Chan created Foundr Magazine after being stuck in an unhappy job for over eight years. Since then, he has interviewed notable business leaders like Tim Ferriss, Sophia Amoruso, and Gary Vaynerchuk to advise young entrepreneurs to succeed.

Foundr offers multiple income streams for its business – subscription services, online courses, and affiliate marketing. Watch as they expand in this episode of Superhumans at Work!

Nathan Chan

Nathan Chan is founded and CEO of Foundr, an international business connecting millions of entrepreneurs to some of our generation’s most successful living entrepreneurs through magazines, podcasts, videos, online courses, and training programs. On a mission to understand what it takes to start up, grow, and scale a successful enterprise, Nathan is tirelessly searching for answers on how best to build his ventures.

As Foundr was created in March 2013, its founder knew nothing about entrepreneurship, publishing, apps, or content creation – yet knew there was a need to fill. So he developed Foundr Magazine to interview successful entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Tim Ferriss and break down their strategies into actionable content that anyone could implement into their businesses.

In this episode of Superhumans at Work, we sit down with Nathan for an open and honest dialogue about the intricacies of business expansion from scratch. He shares advice, embarrassing stories from his journey, and growth hacks that have generated six revenue figures for his company this year alone.

Nathan shows us exactly how he uses Instagram to drive traffic and engage his brand, which has resulted in over 1.4 million likes on his images. From using tags to driving traffic directly to his bio link and emoticons to increase brand recognition, Nathan is creating an impactful presence on Instagram that’s building brand recognition – and shows us exactly how he does it!

Founder & CEO of Foundr Magazine

Nathan Chan is an entrepreneur and the creator of Foundr Magazine, a media company that helps young entrepreneurs expand their businesses. Since 2013, this organization has quickly become one of the go-to resources for young entrepreneurs, with products, podcasts, and training courses available.

This company is located in Prahran, Victoria, Australia.

Nathan started his company for similar reasons to other aspiring entrepreneurs: He disliked his job and wanted to start one himself. Over time, Nathan has worked tirelessly to grow and develop the company into the success it is today.

He brings an innovative perspective to creating an entrepreneurial brand, prioritizing substance over style. He’s passionate about helping others build something important to them while maintaining that a great business should provide excellent customer service.

Nathan is an experienced interviewer, interviewing some of the world’s most influential entrepreneurs, such as Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Mark Cuban, Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss. In this episode, he shares some of his best tips for conducting interviews while sharing what he’s learned from personal experience, including growing his subscriber base to over 300k in just ten months! It is an indispensable episode for any aspiring entrepreneur seeking business success.

On a mission to build one of the largest entrepreneurial brands online that supports and fuels founders

Foundr makes money through Online Courses, Digital Products, Instagram Podcasts, and The Foundr Magazine Subscription monetized through affiliate marketing. Their method involves providing high-quality content that solves people’s problems before funneling traffic toward their courses. In addition, Foundr has worked hard at building an engaged community of entrepreneurs around their brand.

They achieve this by interviewing prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss on their podcast and using that content as articles for their blog – which are then read by thousands each month and drive traffic towards their courses organically.

Another way they make money is through selling courses on how to start and expand an eCommerce store. These are taught by world-class entrepreneurs with proven methodologies and frameworks that you can apply to your business – Ecommerce Masters 2020 is an especially highly reviewed course! If this interests you, take note!